Quaternion.hpp File Reference

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class  CubbyFlow::Quaternion< T >
 Quaternion class defined as q = w + xi + yj + zk. More...




using CubbyFlow::QuaternionF = Quaternion< float >
 Float-type quaternion. More...
using CubbyFlow::QuaternionD = Quaternion< double >
 Double-type quaternion. More...


template<typename T >
Quaternion< T > CubbyFlow::Slerp (const Quaternion< T > &a, const Quaternion< T > &b, T t)
 Computes spherical linear interpolation. More...
template<typename T >
Vector< T, 3 > CubbyFlow::operator* (const Quaternion< T > &q, const Vector< T, 3 > &v)
 Returns quaternion q * vector v. More...
template<typename T >
Quaternion< T > CubbyFlow::operator* (const Quaternion< T > &a, const Quaternion< T > &b)
 Returns quaternion a times quaternion b. More...