FDMLinearSystem2.hpp File Reference

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struct  CubbyFlow::FDMMatrixRow2
 The row of FDMMatrix2 where row corresponds to (i, j) grid point. More...
struct  CubbyFlow::FDMLinearSystem2
 Linear system (Ax=b) for 2-D finite differencing. More...
struct  CubbyFlow::FDMCompressedLinearSystem2
 Compressed linear system (Ax=b) for 2-D finite differencing. More...
struct  CubbyFlow::FDMBLAS2
 BLAS operator wrapper for 2-D finite differencing. More...
struct  CubbyFlow::FDMCompressedBLAS2
 BLAS operator wrapper for compressed 2-D finite differencing. More...




using CubbyFlow::FDMVector2 = Array2< double >
 Vector type for 2-D finite differencing. More...
using CubbyFlow::FDMMatrix2 = Array2< FDMMatrixRow2 >
 Matrix type for 2-D finite differencing. More...