CubbyFlow::BVH< T, N > Member List

This is the complete list of members for CubbyFlow::BVH< T, N >, including all inherited members.

begin()CubbyFlow::BVH< T, N >
begin() constCubbyFlow::BVH< T, N >
Build(const ConstArrayView1< T > &items, const ConstArrayView1< BoundingBox< double, N >> &itemsBounds)CubbyFlow::BVH< T, N >
Children(size_t i) constCubbyFlow::BVH< T, N >
Clear()CubbyFlow::BVH< T, N >
ClosestIntersection(const Ray< double, N > &ray, const GetRayIntersectionFunc< T, N > &testFunc) const overrideCubbyFlow::BVH< T, N >virtual
ConstIterator typedefCubbyFlow::BVH< T, N >
ContainerType typedefCubbyFlow::BVH< T, N >
end()CubbyFlow::BVH< T, N >
end() constCubbyFlow::BVH< T, N >
ForEachIntersectingItem(const BoundingBox< double, N > &box, const BoxIntersectionTestFunc< T, N > &testFunc, const IntersectionVisitorFunc< T > &visitorFunc) const overrideCubbyFlow::BVH< T, N >virtual
ForEachIntersectingItem(const Ray< double, N > &ray, const RayIntersectionTestFunc< T, N > &testFunc, const IntersectionVisitorFunc< T > &visitorFunc) const overrideCubbyFlow::BVH< T, N >virtual
GetBoundingBox() constCubbyFlow::BVH< T, N >
IntersectionQueryEngine()=defaultCubbyFlow::IntersectionQueryEngine< T, N >
IntersectionQueryEngine(const IntersectionQueryEngine &other)=defaultCubbyFlow::IntersectionQueryEngine< T, N >
IntersectionQueryEngine(IntersectionQueryEngine &&other) noexcept=defaultCubbyFlow::IntersectionQueryEngine< T, N >
Intersects(const BoundingBox< double, N > &box, const BoxIntersectionTestFunc< T, N > &testFunc) const overrideCubbyFlow::BVH< T, N >virtual
Intersects(const Ray< double, N > &ray, const RayIntersectionTestFunc< T, N > &testFunc) const overrideCubbyFlow::BVH< T, N >virtual
IsLeaf(size_t i) constCubbyFlow::BVH< T, N >
Item(size_t i) constCubbyFlow::BVH< T, N >
ItemOfNode(size_t i)CubbyFlow::BVH< T, N >
ItemOfNode(size_t i) constCubbyFlow::BVH< T, N >
Iterator typedefCubbyFlow::BVH< T, N >
Nearest(const Vector< double, N > &pt, const NearestNeighborDistanceFunc< T, N > &distanceFunc) const overrideCubbyFlow::BVH< T, N >inlinevirtual
NearestNeighborQueryEngine()=defaultCubbyFlow::NearestNeighborQueryEngine< T, N >
NearestNeighborQueryEngine(const NearestNeighborQueryEngine &other)=defaultCubbyFlow::NearestNeighborQueryEngine< T, N >
NearestNeighborQueryEngine(NearestNeighborQueryEngine &&other) noexcept=defaultCubbyFlow::NearestNeighborQueryEngine< T, N >
NodeBound(size_t i) constCubbyFlow::BVH< T, N >
NumberOfItems() constCubbyFlow::BVH< T, N >
NumberOfNodes() constCubbyFlow::BVH< T, N >
CubbyFlow::operator=(const IntersectionQueryEngine &other)=defaultCubbyFlow::IntersectionQueryEngine< T, N >
CubbyFlow::operator=(IntersectionQueryEngine &&other) noexcept=defaultCubbyFlow::IntersectionQueryEngine< T, N >
CubbyFlow::NearestNeighborQueryEngine::operator=(const NearestNeighborQueryEngine &other)=defaultCubbyFlow::NearestNeighborQueryEngine< T, N >
CubbyFlow::NearestNeighborQueryEngine::operator=(NearestNeighborQueryEngine &&other) noexcept=defaultCubbyFlow::NearestNeighborQueryEngine< T, N >
~IntersectionQueryEngine()=defaultCubbyFlow::IntersectionQueryEngine< T, N >virtual
~NearestNeighborQueryEngine()=defaultCubbyFlow::NearestNeighborQueryEngine< T, N >virtual