CubbyFlow::Quaternion< T > Member List

This is the complete list of members for CubbyFlow::Quaternion< T >, including all inherited members.

Angle() constCubbyFlow::Quaternion< T >
Axis() constCubbyFlow::Quaternion< T >
CastTo() constCubbyFlow::Quaternion< T >
Dot(const Quaternion< T > &other) constCubbyFlow::Quaternion< T >
GetAxisAngle(Vector3< T > *axis, T *angle) constCubbyFlow::Quaternion< T >
IMul(const Quaternion &other)CubbyFlow::Quaternion< T >
Inverse() constCubbyFlow::Quaternion< T >
L2Norm() constCubbyFlow::Quaternion< T >
MakeIdentity()CubbyFlow::Quaternion< T >static
Matrix3() constCubbyFlow::Quaternion< T >
Matrix4() constCubbyFlow::Quaternion< T >
Mul(const Vector3< T > &v) constCubbyFlow::Quaternion< T >
Mul(const Quaternion &other) constCubbyFlow::Quaternion< T >
Normalize()CubbyFlow::Quaternion< T >
Normalized() constCubbyFlow::Quaternion< T >
operator!=(const Quaternion &other) constCubbyFlow::Quaternion< T >
operator*=(const Quaternion &other)CubbyFlow::Quaternion< T >
operator=(const Quaternion &other)CubbyFlow::Quaternion< T >
operator=(Quaternion &&other) noexceptCubbyFlow::Quaternion< T >
operator==(const Quaternion &other) constCubbyFlow::Quaternion< T >
operator[](size_t i)CubbyFlow::Quaternion< T >
operator[](size_t i) constCubbyFlow::Quaternion< T >
Quaternion()CubbyFlow::Quaternion< T >
Quaternion(T newW, T newX, T newY, T newZ)CubbyFlow::Quaternion< T >
Quaternion(const std::initializer_list< T > &list)CubbyFlow::Quaternion< T >
Quaternion(const Vector3< T > &axis, T angle)CubbyFlow::Quaternion< T >
Quaternion(const Vector3< T > &from, const Vector3< T > &to)CubbyFlow::Quaternion< T >
Quaternion(const Vector3< T > &axis0, const Vector3< T > &axis1, const Vector3< T > &axis2)CubbyFlow::Quaternion< T >
Quaternion(const Matrix3x3< T > &m33)CubbyFlow::Quaternion< T >explicit
Quaternion(const Quaternion &other)CubbyFlow::Quaternion< T >
Quaternion(Quaternion &&other) noexceptCubbyFlow::Quaternion< T >
RMul(const Quaternion &other) constCubbyFlow::Quaternion< T >
Rotate(T angleInRadians)CubbyFlow::Quaternion< T >
Set(const Quaternion &other)CubbyFlow::Quaternion< T >
Set(T newW, T newX, T newY, T newZ)CubbyFlow::Quaternion< T >
Set(const std::initializer_list< T > &list)CubbyFlow::Quaternion< T >
Set(const Vector3< T > &axis, T angle)CubbyFlow::Quaternion< T >
Set(const Vector3< T > &from, const Vector3< T > &to)CubbyFlow::Quaternion< T >
Set(const Vector3< T > &rotationBasis0, const Vector3< T > &rotationBasis1, const Vector3< T > &rotationBasis2)CubbyFlow::Quaternion< T >
Set(const Matrix3x3< T > &m)CubbyFlow::Quaternion< T >
SetIdentity()CubbyFlow::Quaternion< T >
wCubbyFlow::Quaternion< T >
xCubbyFlow::Quaternion< T >
yCubbyFlow::Quaternion< T >
zCubbyFlow::Quaternion< T >
~Quaternion()=defaultCubbyFlow::Quaternion< T >