CubbyFlow::SurfaceSet< N > Member List

This is the complete list of members for CubbyFlow::SurfaceSet< N >, including all inherited members.

AddSurface(const std::shared_ptr< Surface< N >> &surface)CubbyFlow::SurfaceSet< N >
ClosestDistance(const Vector< double, N > &otherPoint) constCubbyFlow::Surface< N >
ClosestIntersection(const Ray< double, N > &ray) constCubbyFlow::Surface< N >
ClosestNormal(const Vector< double, N > &otherPoint) constCubbyFlow::Surface< N >
ClosestPoint(const Vector< double, N > &otherPoint) constCubbyFlow::Surface< N >
GetBoundingBox() constCubbyFlow::Surface< N >
GetBuilder()CubbyFlow::SurfaceSet< N >static
Intersects(const Ray< double, N > &ray) constCubbyFlow::Surface< N >
IsBounded() const overrideCubbyFlow::SurfaceSet< N >virtual
IsInside(const Vector< double, N > &otherPoint) constCubbyFlow::Surface< N >
isNormalFlippedCubbyFlow::Surface< N >
IsValidGeometry() const overrideCubbyFlow::SurfaceSet< N >virtual
NumberOfSurfaces() constCubbyFlow::SurfaceSet< N >
operator=(const SurfaceSet &other)CubbyFlow::SurfaceSet< N >
operator=(SurfaceSet &&other) noexceptCubbyFlow::SurfaceSet< N >
CubbyFlow::Surface::operator=(const Surface &other)CubbyFlow::Surface< N >
CubbyFlow::Surface::operator=(Surface &&other) noexceptCubbyFlow::Surface< N >
Surface(const Transform< N > &transform=Transform< N >(), bool isNormalFlipped=false)CubbyFlow::Surface< N >
Surface(const Surface &other)CubbyFlow::Surface< N >
Surface(Surface &&other) noexceptCubbyFlow::Surface< N >
SurfaceAt(size_t i) constCubbyFlow::SurfaceSet< N >
SurfaceSet()=defaultCubbyFlow::SurfaceSet< N >
SurfaceSet(const ConstArrayView1< std::shared_ptr< Surface< N >>> &others, const Transform< N > &_transform=Transform< N >{}, bool _isNormalFlipped=false)CubbyFlow::SurfaceSet< N >explicit
SurfaceSet(const SurfaceSet &other)CubbyFlow::SurfaceSet< N >
SurfaceSet(SurfaceSet &&other) noexceptCubbyFlow::SurfaceSet< N >
transformCubbyFlow::Surface< N >
UpdateQueryEngine() overrideCubbyFlow::SurfaceSet< N >virtual
~Surface()=defaultCubbyFlow::Surface< N >virtual
~SurfaceSet() override=defaultCubbyFlow::SurfaceSet< N >