2-D Particle-in-Cell (PIC) implementation. More...

#include <Core/Solver/Hybrid/PIC/PICSolver2.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for CubbyFlow::PICSolver2:
CubbyFlow::GridFluidSolver2 CubbyFlow::PhysicsAnimation CubbyFlow::Animation CubbyFlow::APICSolver2 CubbyFlow::FLIPSolver2


class  Builder
 Front-end to create PICSolver2 objects step by step. More...

Public Member Functions

 PICSolver2 ()
 Default constructor. More...
 PICSolver2 (const Vector2UZ &resolution, const Vector2D &gridSpacing, const Vector2D &gridOrigin)
 Constructs solver with initial grid size. More...
 PICSolver2 (const PICSolver2 &)=delete
 Deleted copy constructor. More...
 PICSolver2 (PICSolver2 &&) noexcept=delete
 Deleted move constructor. More...
 ~PICSolver2 () override=default
 Default virtual destructor. More...
PICSolver2operator= (const PICSolver2 &)=delete
 Deleted copy assignment operator. More...
PICSolver2operator= (PICSolver2 &&) noexcept=delete
 Deleted move assignment operator. More...
ScalarGrid2Ptr GetSignedDistanceField () const
 Returns the signed-distance field of particles. More...
const ParticleSystemData2PtrGetParticleSystemData () const
 Returns the particle system data. More...
const ParticleEmitter2PtrGetParticleEmitter () const
 Returns the particle emitter. More...
void SetParticleEmitter (const ParticleEmitter2Ptr &newEmitter)
 Sets the particle emitter. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from CubbyFlow::GridFluidSolver2
 GridFluidSolver2 ()
 Default constructor. More...
 GridFluidSolver2 (const Vector2UZ &resolution, const Vector2D &gridSpacing, const Vector2D &gridOrigin)
 Constructs solver with initial grid size. More...
 GridFluidSolver2 (const GridFluidSolver2 &)=delete
 Deleted copy constructor. More...
 GridFluidSolver2 (GridFluidSolver2 &&) noexcept=delete
 Deleted move constructor. More...
 ~GridFluidSolver2 () override=default
 Default virtual destructor. More...
GridFluidSolver2operator= (const GridFluidSolver2 &)=delete
 Deleted copy assignment operator. More...
GridFluidSolver2operator= (GridFluidSolver2 &&) noexcept=delete
 Deleted move assignment operator. More...
const Vector2DGetGravity () const
 Returns the gravity vector of the system. More...
void SetGravity (const Vector2D &newGravity)
 Sets the gravity of the system. More...
double GetViscosityCoefficient () const
 Returns the viscosity coefficient. More...
void SetViscosityCoefficient (double newValue)
 Sets the viscosity coefficient. More...
double GetCFL (double timeIntervalInSeconds) const
 Returns the CFL number from the current velocity field for given time interval. More...
double GetMaxCFL () const
 Returns the max allowed CFL number. More...
void SetMaxCFL (double newCFL)
 Sets the max allowed CFL number. More...
bool GetUseCompressedLinearSystem () const
 Returns true if the solver is using compressed linear system. More...
void SetUseCompressedLinearSystem (bool isOn)
 Sets whether the solver should use compressed linear system. More...
const AdvectionSolver2PtrGetAdvectionSolver () const
 Returns the advection solver instance. More...
void SetAdvectionSolver (const AdvectionSolver2Ptr &newSolver)
 Sets the advection solver. More...
const GridDiffusionSolver2PtrGetDiffusionSolver () const
 Returns the diffusion solver instance. More...
void SetDiffusionSolver (const GridDiffusionSolver2Ptr &newSolver)
 Sets the diffusion solver. More...
const GridPressureSolver2PtrGetPressureSolver () const
 Returns the pressure solver instance. More...
void SetPressureSolver (const GridPressureSolver2Ptr &newSolver)
 Sets the pressure solver. More...
int GetClosedDomainBoundaryFlag () const
 Returns the closed domain boundary flag. More...
void SetClosedDomainBoundaryFlag (int flag)
 Sets the closed domain boundary flag. More...
const GridSystemData2PtrGetGridSystemData () const
 Returns the grid system data. More...
void ResizeGrid (const Vector2UZ &newSize, const Vector2D &newGridSpacing, const Vector2D &newGridOrigin) const
 Resizes grid system data. More...
Vector2UZ GetResolution () const
 Returns the resolution of the grid system data. More...
Vector2D GetGridSpacing () const
 Returns the grid spacing of the grid system data. More...
Vector2D GetGridOrigin () const
 Returns the origin of the grid system data. More...
const FaceCenteredGrid2PtrGetVelocity () const
 Returns the velocity field. More...
const Collider2PtrGetCollider () const
 Returns the collider. More...
void SetCollider (const Collider2Ptr &newCollider)
 Sets the collider. More...
const GridEmitter2PtrGetEmitter () const
 Returns the emitter. More...
void SetEmitter (const GridEmitter2Ptr &newEmitter)
 Sets the emitter. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from CubbyFlow::PhysicsAnimation
 PhysicsAnimation ()
 Default constructor. More...
 PhysicsAnimation (const PhysicsAnimation &)=default
 Default copy constructor. More...
 PhysicsAnimation (PhysicsAnimation &&) noexcept=default
 Default move constructor. More...
virtual ~PhysicsAnimation ()=default
 Default virtual destructor. More...
PhysicsAnimationoperator= (const PhysicsAnimation &)=default
 Default copy assignment operator. More...
PhysicsAnimationoperator= (PhysicsAnimation &&) noexcept=default
 Default move assignment operator. More...
bool GetIsUsingFixedSubTimeSteps () const
 Returns true if fixed sub-timestepping is used. More...
void SetIsUsingFixedSubTimeSteps (bool isUsing)
 Sets true if fixed sub-timestepping is used. More...
unsigned int GetNumberOfFixedSubTimeSteps () const
 Returns the number of fixed sub-timesteps. More...
void SetNumberOfFixedSubTimeSteps (unsigned int numberOfSteps)
 Sets the number of fixed sub-timesteps. More...
void AdvanceSingleFrame ()
 Advances a single frame. More...
Frame GetCurrentFrame () const
 Returns current frame. More...
void SetCurrentFrame (const Frame &frame)
 Sets current frame cursor (but do not invoke update()). More...
double GetCurrentTimeInSeconds () const
 Returns current time in seconds. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from CubbyFlow::Animation
 Animation ()=default
 Default constructor. More...
 Animation (const Animation &)=default
 Default copy constructor. More...
 Animation (Animation &&) noexcept=default
 Default move constructor. More...
virtual ~Animation ()=default
 Default virtual destructor. More...
Animationoperator= (const Animation &)=default
 Default copy assignment operator. More...
Animationoperator= (Animation &&) noexcept=default
 Default move assignment operator. More...
void Update (const Frame &frame)
 Updates animation state for given frame. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static Builder GetBuilder ()
 Returns builder fox PICSolver2. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from CubbyFlow::GridFluidSolver2
static Builder GetBuilder ()
 Returns builder fox GridFluidSolver2. More...

Protected Member Functions

void OnInitialize () override
 Initializes the simulator. More...
void OnBeginAdvanceTimeStep (double timeIntervalInSeconds) override
 Invoked before a simulation time-step begins. More...
void ComputeAdvection (double timeIntervalInSeconds) override
 Computes the advection term of the fluid solver. More...
ScalarField2Ptr GetFluidSDF () const override
 Returns the signed-distance field of the fluid. More...
virtual void TransferFromParticlesToGrids ()
 Transfers velocity field from particles to grids. More...
virtual void TransferFromGridsToParticles ()
 Transfers velocity field from grids to particles. More...
virtual void MoveParticles (double timeIntervalInSeconds)
 Moves particles. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from CubbyFlow::GridFluidSolver2
void OnAdvanceTimeStep (double timeIntervalInSeconds) override
 Called when advancing a single time-step. More...
unsigned int GetNumberOfSubTimeSteps (double timeIntervalInSeconds) const override
 Returns the required sub-time-steps for given time interval. More...
virtual void OnEndAdvanceTimeStep (double timeIntervalInSeconds)
 Called at the end of a time-step. More...
virtual void ComputeExternalForces (double timeIntervalInSeconds)
 Computes the external force terms. More...
virtual void ComputeViscosity (double timeIntervalInSeconds)
 Computes the viscosity term using the diffusion solver. More...
virtual void ComputePressure (double timeIntervalInSeconds)
 Computes the pressure term using the pressure solver. More...
void ComputeGravity (double timeIntervalInSeconds)
 Computes the gravity term. More...
void ApplyBoundaryCondition () const
 Applies the boundary condition to the velocity field. More...
void ExtrapolateIntoCollider (ScalarGrid2 *grid)
 Extrapolates given field into the collider-occupied region. More...
void ExtrapolateIntoCollider (CollocatedVectorGrid2 *grid)
 Extrapolates given field into the collider-occupied region. More...
void ExtrapolateIntoCollider (FaceCenteredGrid2 *grid)
 Extrapolates given field into the collider-occupied region. More...
ScalarField2Ptr GetColliderSDF () const
 Returns the signed-distance field representation of the collider. More...
VectorField2Ptr GetColliderVelocityField () const
 Returns the velocity field of the collider. More...

Protected Attributes

Array2< char > m_uMarkers
Array2< char > m_vMarkers

Detailed Description

2-D Particle-in-Cell (PIC) implementation.

This class implements 2-D Particle-in-Cell (PIC) method by inheriting GridFluidSolver2. Since it is a grid-particle hybrid method, the solver also has a particle system to track fluid particles.

See also
Zhu, Yongning, and Robert Bridson. "Animating sand as a fluid." ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG). Vol. 24. No. 3. ACM, 2005.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ PICSolver2() [1/4]

CubbyFlow::PICSolver2::PICSolver2 ( )

Default constructor.

◆ PICSolver2() [2/4]

CubbyFlow::PICSolver2::PICSolver2 ( const Vector2UZ resolution,
const Vector2D gridSpacing,
const Vector2D gridOrigin 

Constructs solver with initial grid size.

◆ PICSolver2() [3/4]

CubbyFlow::PICSolver2::PICSolver2 ( const PICSolver2 )

Deleted copy constructor.

◆ PICSolver2() [4/4]

CubbyFlow::PICSolver2::PICSolver2 ( PICSolver2 &&  )

Deleted move constructor.

◆ ~PICSolver2()

CubbyFlow::PICSolver2::~PICSolver2 ( )

Default virtual destructor.

Member Function Documentation

◆ ComputeAdvection()

void CubbyFlow::PICSolver2::ComputeAdvection ( double  timeIntervalInSeconds)

Computes the advection term of the fluid solver.

Reimplemented from CubbyFlow::GridFluidSolver2.

◆ GetBuilder()

static Builder CubbyFlow::PICSolver2::GetBuilder ( )

Returns builder fox PICSolver2.

◆ GetFluidSDF()

ScalarField2Ptr CubbyFlow::PICSolver2::GetFluidSDF ( ) const

Returns the signed-distance field of the fluid.

Reimplemented from CubbyFlow::GridFluidSolver2.

◆ GetParticleEmitter()

const ParticleEmitter2Ptr& CubbyFlow::PICSolver2::GetParticleEmitter ( ) const

Returns the particle emitter.

◆ GetParticleSystemData()

const ParticleSystemData2Ptr& CubbyFlow::PICSolver2::GetParticleSystemData ( ) const

Returns the particle system data.

◆ GetSignedDistanceField()

ScalarGrid2Ptr CubbyFlow::PICSolver2::GetSignedDistanceField ( ) const

Returns the signed-distance field of particles.

◆ MoveParticles()

virtual void CubbyFlow::PICSolver2::MoveParticles ( double  timeIntervalInSeconds)

Moves particles.

◆ OnBeginAdvanceTimeStep()

void CubbyFlow::PICSolver2::OnBeginAdvanceTimeStep ( double  timeIntervalInSeconds)

Invoked before a simulation time-step begins.

Reimplemented from CubbyFlow::GridFluidSolver2.

◆ OnInitialize()

void CubbyFlow::PICSolver2::OnInitialize ( )

Initializes the simulator.

Reimplemented from CubbyFlow::GridFluidSolver2.

◆ operator=() [1/2]

PICSolver2& CubbyFlow::PICSolver2::operator= ( const PICSolver2 )

Deleted copy assignment operator.

◆ operator=() [2/2]

PICSolver2& CubbyFlow::PICSolver2::operator= ( PICSolver2 &&  )

Deleted move assignment operator.

◆ SetParticleEmitter()

void CubbyFlow::PICSolver2::SetParticleEmitter ( const ParticleEmitter2Ptr newEmitter)

Sets the particle emitter.

◆ TransferFromGridsToParticles()

virtual void CubbyFlow::PICSolver2::TransferFromGridsToParticles ( )

Transfers velocity field from grids to particles.

Reimplemented in CubbyFlow::FLIPSolver2, and CubbyFlow::APICSolver2.

◆ TransferFromParticlesToGrids()

virtual void CubbyFlow::PICSolver2::TransferFromParticlesToGrids ( )

Transfers velocity field from particles to grids.

Reimplemented in CubbyFlow::FLIPSolver2, and CubbyFlow::APICSolver2.

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_uMarkers

Array2<char> CubbyFlow::PICSolver2::m_uMarkers

◆ m_vMarkers

Array2<char> CubbyFlow::PICSolver2::m_vMarkers

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