CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T > Class Template Reference

Compressed Sparse Row (CSR) matrix class. More...

#include <Core/Matrix/MatrixCSR.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T >:
CubbyFlow::MatrixExpression< T, MATRIX_SIZE_DYNAMIC, MATRIX_SIZE_DYNAMIC, MatrixCSR< T > >


struct  Element

Public Types

using NonZeroContainerType = std::vector< T >
using NonZeroIterator = typename NonZeroContainerType::iterator
using ConstNonZeroIterator = typename NonZeroContainerType::const_iterator
using IndexContainerType = std::vector< size_t >
using IndexIterator = IndexContainerType::iterator
using ConstIndexIterator = IndexContainerType::const_iterator
- Public Types inherited from CubbyFlow::MatrixExpression< T, MATRIX_SIZE_DYNAMIC, MATRIX_SIZE_DYNAMIC, MatrixCSR< T > >
using ValueType = T

Public Member Functions

 MatrixCSR ()
 Constructs an empty matrix. More...
 MatrixCSR (const std::initializer_list< std::initializer_list< T >> &lst, T epsilon=std::numeric_limits< T >::epsilon())
 Compresses given initializer list lst into a sparse matrix. More...
template<size_t R, size_t C, typename E >
 MatrixCSR (const MatrixExpression< T, R, C, E > &other, T epsilon=std::numeric_limits< T >::epsilon())
 Compresses input (dense) matrix expression into a sparse matrix. More...
 ~MatrixCSR ()=default
 Default destructor. More...
 MatrixCSR (const MatrixCSR &other)
 Copy constructor. More...
 MatrixCSR (MatrixCSR &&other) noexcept
 Move constructor. More...
MatrixCSRoperator= (const MatrixCSR &other)
 Copies to this matrix. More...
MatrixCSRoperator= (MatrixCSR &&other) noexcept
 Moves to this matrix. More...
void Clear ()
 Clears the matrix and make it zero-dimensional. More...
void Set (const T &s)
 Sets whole matrix with input scalar. More...
void Set (const MatrixCSR &other)
 Copy from given sparse matrix. More...
void Reserve (size_t rows, size_t cols, size_t numNonZeros)
 Reserves memory space of this matrix. More...
void Compress (const std::initializer_list< std::initializer_list< T >> &lst, T epsilon=std::numeric_limits< T >::epsilon())
 Compresses given initializer list lst into a sparse matrix. More...
template<size_t R, size_t C, typename E >
void Compress (const MatrixExpression< T, R, C, E > &other, T epsilon=std::numeric_limits< T >::epsilon())
 Compresses input (dense) matrix expression into a sparse matrix. More...
void AddElement (size_t i, size_t j, const T &value)
 Adds non-zero element to (i, j). More...
void AddElement (const Element &element)
 Adds non-zero element. More...
void AddRow (const NonZeroContainerType &nonZeros, const IndexContainerType &columnIndices)
void SetElement (size_t i, size_t j, const T &value)
 Sets non-zero element to (i, j). More...
void SetElement (const Element &element)
 Sets non-zero element. More...
bool IsEqual (const MatrixCSR &other) const
bool IsSimilar (const MatrixCSR &other, double tol=std::numeric_limits< double >::epsilon()) const
bool IsSquare () const
 Returns true if this matrix is a square matrix. More...
Vector2UZ Size () const
 Returns the size of this matrix. More...
size_t GetRows () const
 Returns number of rows of this matrix. More...
size_t GetCols () const
 Returns number of columns of this matrix. More...
size_t NumberOfNonZeros () const
 Returns the number of non-zero elements. More...
const T & NonZero (size_t i) const
 Returns i-th non-zero element. More...
T & NonZero (size_t i)
 Returns i-th non-zero element. More...
const size_t & RowPointer (size_t i) const
 Returns i-th row pointer. More...
const size_t & ColumnIndex (size_t i) const
 Returns i-th column index. More...
T * NonZeroData ()
 Returns pointer of the non-zero elements data. More...
const T * NonZeroData () const
 Returns constant pointer of the non-zero elements data. More...
const size_t * RowPointersData () const
 Returns constant pointer of the row pointers data. More...
const size_t * ColumnIndicesData () const
 Returns constant pointer of the column indices data. More...
NonZeroIterator NonZeroBegin ()
 Returns the begin iterator of the non-zero elements. More...
ConstNonZeroIterator NonZeroBegin () const
 Returns the begin const iterator of the non-zero elements. More...
NonZeroIterator NonZeroEnd ()
 Returns the end iterator of the non-zero elements. More...
ConstNonZeroIterator NonZeroEnd () const
 Returns the end const iterator of the non-zero elements. More...
IndexIterator RowPointersBegin ()
 Returns the begin iterator of the row pointers. More...
ConstIndexIterator RowPointersBegin () const
 Returns the begin const iterator of the row pointers. More...
IndexIterator RowPointersEnd ()
 Returns the end iterator of the row pointers. More...
ConstIndexIterator RowPointersEnd () const
 Returns the end const iterator of the row pointers. More...
IndexIterator ColumnIndicesBegin ()
 Returns the begin iterator of the column indices. More...
ConstIndexIterator ColumnIndicesBegin () const
 Returns the begin const iterator of the column indices. More...
IndexIterator ColumnIndicesEnd ()
 Returns the end iterator of the column indices. More...
ConstIndexIterator ColumnIndicesEnd () const
 Returns the end const iterator of the column indices. More...
MatrixCSR Add (const T &s) const
 Returns this matrix + input scalar. More...
MatrixCSR Add (const MatrixCSR &m) const
 Returns this matrix + input matrix (element-wise). More...
MatrixCSR Sub (const T &s) const
 Returns this matrix - input scalar. More...
MatrixCSR Sub (const MatrixCSR &m) const
 Returns this matrix - input matrix (element-wise). More...
MatrixCSR Mul (const T &s) const
 Returns this matrix * input scalar. More...
template<size_t R, size_t C, typename ME >
MatrixCSRMatrixMul< T, ME > Mul (const MatrixExpression< T, R, C, ME > &m) const
 Returns this matrix * input matrix. More...
MatrixCSR Div (const T &s) const
 Returns this matrix / input scalar. More...
MatrixCSR RAdd (const T &s) const
 Returns input scalar + this matrix. More...
MatrixCSR RAdd (const MatrixCSR &m) const
 Returns input matrix + this matrix (element-wise). More...
MatrixCSR RSub (const T &s) const
 Returns input scalar - this matrix. More...
MatrixCSR RSub (const MatrixCSR &m) const
 Returns input matrix - this matrix (element-wise). More...
MatrixCSR RMul (const T &s) const
 Returns input scalar * this matrix. More...
MatrixCSR RDiv (const T &s) const
 Returns input matrix / this scalar. More...
void IAdd (const T &s)
 Adds input scalar to this matrix. More...
void IAdd (const MatrixCSR &m)
 Adds input matrix to this matrix (element-wise). More...
void ISub (const T &s)
 Subtracts input scalar from this matrix. More...
void ISub (const MatrixCSR &m)
 Subtracts input matrix from this matrix (element-wise). More...
void IMul (const T &s)
 Multiplies input scalar to this matrix. More...
template<size_t R, size_t C, typename ME >
void IMul (const MatrixExpression< T, R, C, ME > &m)
 Multiplies input matrix to this matrix. More...
void IDiv (const T &s)
 Divides this matrix with input scalar. More...
Sum () const
 Returns sum of all elements. More...
Avg () const
 Returns average of all elements. More...
Min () const
 Returns minimum among all elements. More...
Max () const
 Returns maximum among all elements. More...
AbsMin () const
 Returns absolute minimum among all elements. More...
AbsMax () const
 Returns absolute maximum among all elements. More...
Trace () const
template<typename U >
MatrixCSR< U > CastTo () const
 Type-casts to different value-typed matrix. More...
template<size_t R, size_t C, typename ME >
MatrixCSRoperator= (const MatrixExpression< T, R, C, ME > &m)
 Compresses input (dense) matrix expression into a sparse matrix. More...
MatrixCSRoperator+= (const T &s)
 Addition assignment with input scalar. More...
MatrixCSRoperator+= (const MatrixCSR &m)
 Addition assignment with input matrix (element-wise). More...
MatrixCSRoperator-= (const T &s)
 Subtraction assignment with input scalar. More...
MatrixCSRoperator-= (const MatrixCSR &m)
 Subtraction assignment with input matrix (element-wise). More...
MatrixCSRoperator*= (const T &s)
 Multiplication assignment with input scalar. More...
template<size_t R, size_t C, typename ME >
MatrixCSRoperator*= (const MatrixExpression< T, R, C, ME > &m)
 Multiplication assignment with input matrix. More...
MatrixCSRoperator/= (const T &s)
 Division assignment with input scalar. More...
operator() (size_t i, size_t j) const
 Returns (i,j) element. More...
bool operator== (const MatrixCSR &m) const
 Returns true if is equal to m. More...
bool operator!= (const MatrixCSR &m) const
 Returns true if is not equal to m. More...
template<size_t R, size_t C, typename ME >
 MatrixCSR (const MatrixExpression< T, R, C, ME > &other, T epsilon)
template<size_t R, size_t C, typename E >
MatrixCSR< T > & operator= (const MatrixExpression< T, R, C, E > &m)
template<size_t R, size_t C, typename ME >
MatrixCSR< T > & operator*= (const MatrixExpression< T, R, C, ME > &m)
template<typename Op >
MatrixCSR< T > BinaryOp (const MatrixCSR &m, Op op) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from CubbyFlow::MatrixExpression< T, MATRIX_SIZE_DYNAMIC, MATRIX_SIZE_DYNAMIC, MatrixCSR< T > >
constexpr size_t GetRows () const
 Returns the number of rows. More...
constexpr size_t GetCols () const
 Returns the number of columns. More...
Eval (size_t i, size_t j) const
 Returns the evaluated value for (i, j). More...
Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > Eval () const
bool IsSimilar (const MatrixExpression< T, R, C, E > &m, double tol=std::numeric_limits< double >::epsilon()) const
constexpr bool IsSquare () const
 Returns true if this matrix is a square matrix. More...
ValueType Sum () const
ValueType Avg () const
ValueType Min () const
ValueType Max () const
ValueType AbsMin () const
ValueType AbsMax () const
ValueType Trace () const
ValueType Determinant () const
std::enable_if_t<(Rows > 4 &&Cols > 4)||IsMatrixSizeDynamic< Rows, Cols >), U > Determinant (const MatrixExpression &m)
size_t DominantAxis () const
size_t SubdominantAxis () const
ValueType Norm () const
ValueType NormSquared () const
ValueType FrobeniusNorm () const
ValueType Length () const
ValueType LengthSquared () const
ValueType DistanceTo (const MatrixExpression< T, R, C, E > &other) const
 Returns the distance to the other vector. More...
DistanceTo (const MatrixExpression< T, R, C, E > &other) const
ValueType DistanceSquaredTo (const MatrixExpression< T, R, C, E > &other) const
 Returns the squared distance to the other vector. More...
DistanceSquaredTo (const MatrixExpression< T, R, C, E > &other) const
MatrixScalarElemWiseBinaryOp< T, Rows, Cols, const MatrixCSR< T > &, std::divides< T > > Normalized () const
MatrixDiagonal< T, Rows, Cols, const MatrixCSR< T > &> Diagonal () const
 Returns diagonal part of this matrix. More...
MatrixOffDiagonal< T, Rows, Cols, const MatrixCSR< T > &> OffDiagonal () const
 Returns off-diagonal part of this matrix. More...
MatrixTri< T, Rows, Cols, const MatrixCSR< T > &> StrictLowerTri () const
 Returns strictly lower triangle part of this matrix. More...
MatrixTri< T, Rows, Cols, const MatrixCSR< T > &> StrictUpperTri () const
 Returns strictly upper triangle part of this matrix. More...
MatrixTri< T, Rows, Cols, const MatrixCSR< T > &> LowerTri () const
 Returns lower triangle part of this matrix (including the diagonal). More...
MatrixTri< T, Rows, Cols, const MatrixCSR< T > &> UpperTri () const
 Returns upper triangle part of this matrix (including the diagonal). More...
MatrixTranspose< T, Rows, Cols, const MatrixCSR< T > &> Transposed () const
Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > Inverse () const
 Returns inverse matrix. More...
void Inverse (const MatrixExpression< T, Rows, Cols, MatrixCSR< T > > &m, std::enable_if_t<(Rows > 4 &&Cols > 4)||IsMatrixSizeDynamic< Rows, Cols >(), M > &result)
MatrixUnaryOp< U, Rows, Cols, const MatrixCSR< T > &, TypeCast< T, U > > CastTo () const
MatrixTypeCast< T, Rows, Cols, U, const D &> CastTo () const
std::enable_if_t<(IsMatrixSizeDynamic< Rows, Cols >)||Cols==1) &&(IsMatrixSizeDynamic< R, C >)||C==1), U > Dot (const MatrixExpression< T, R, C, E > &expression) const
std::enable_if_t<(IsMatrixSizeDynamic< Rows, Cols >)||(Rows==2 &&Cols==1)) &&(IsMatrixSizeDynamic< R, C >)||(R==2 &&C==1)), U > Cross (const MatrixExpression< T, R, C, E > &expression) const
std::enable_if_t<(IsMatrixSizeDynamic< Rows, Cols >)||(Rows==3 &&Cols==1)) &&(IsMatrixSizeDynamic< R, C >)||(R==3 &&C==1)), Matrix< U, 3, 1 > > Cross (const MatrixExpression< T, R, C, E > &expression) const
std::enable_if_t<(IsMatrixSizeDynamic< Rows, Cols >)||((Rows==2||Rows==3) &&Cols==1)) &&(IsMatrixSizeDynamic< R, C >)||((R==2||R==3) &&C==1)), Matrix< U, Rows, 1 > > Reflected (const MatrixExpression< T, R, C, E > &normal) const
 Returns the reflection vector to the surface with given surface normal. More...
std::enable_if_t<(IsMatrixSizeDynamic< Rows, Cols >)||((Rows==2||Rows==3) &&Cols==1)) &&(IsMatrixSizeDynamic< R, C >)||((R==2||R==3) &&C==1)), Matrix< U, Rows, 1 > > Projected (const MatrixExpression< T, R, C, E > &normal) const
 Returns the projected vector to the surface with given surface normal. More...
std::enable_if_t<(IsMatrixSizeDynamic< Rows, Cols >)||(Rows==2 &&Cols==1)), Matrix< U, 2, 1 > > Tangential () const
 Returns the tangential vector for this vector. More...
std::enable_if_t<(IsMatrixSizeDynamic< Rows, Cols >)||(Rows==3 &&Cols==1)), std::tuple< Matrix< U, 3, 1 >, Matrix< U, 3, 1 > > > Tangentials () const
 Returns the tangential vectors for this vector. More...
MatrixCSR< T > & GetDerived ()
 Returns actual implementation (the subclass). More...
const MatrixCSR< T > & GetDerived () const
 Returns actual implementation (the subclass). More...

Static Public Member Functions

static MatrixCSR< T > MakeIdentity (size_t m)

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from CubbyFlow::MatrixExpression< T, MATRIX_SIZE_DYNAMIC, MATRIX_SIZE_DYNAMIC, MatrixCSR< T > >
 MatrixExpression ()=default
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from CubbyFlow::MatrixExpression< T, MATRIX_SIZE_DYNAMIC, MATRIX_SIZE_DYNAMIC, MatrixCSR< T > >
static constexpr T Determinant (const MatrixExpression< T, 1, 1, MatrixCSR< T > > &m)
static constexpr T Determinant (const MatrixExpression< T, 2, 2, MatrixCSR< T > > &m)
static constexpr T Determinant (const MatrixExpression< T, 3, 3, MatrixCSR< T > > &m)
static constexpr T Determinant (const MatrixExpression< T, 4, 4, MatrixCSR< T > > &m)
static std::enable_if_t<(Rows > 4 &&Cols > 4)||IsMatrixSizeDynamic< Rows, Cols >), U > Determinant (const MatrixExpression< T, Rows, Cols, MatrixCSR< T > > &m)
static void Inverse (const MatrixExpression< T, 1, 1, MatrixCSR< T > > &m, Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &result)
static void Inverse (const MatrixExpression< T, 2, 2, MatrixCSR< T > > &m, Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &result)
static void Inverse (const MatrixExpression< T, 3, 3, MatrixCSR< T > > &m, Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &result)
static void Inverse (const MatrixExpression< T, 4, 4, MatrixCSR< T > > &m, Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &result)
static void Inverse (const MatrixExpression &m, std::enable_if_t<(Rows > 4 &&Cols > 4)||IsMatrixSizeDynamic< Rows, Cols >(), M > &result)

Detailed Description

template<typename T>
class CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T >

Compressed Sparse Row (CSR) matrix class.

This class defines Compressed Sparse Row (CSR) matrix using arrays of non-zero elements, row pointers, and column indices.

See also
Template Parameters
TType of the element.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ ConstIndexIterator

template<typename T>
using CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T >::ConstIndexIterator = IndexContainerType::const_iterator

◆ ConstNonZeroIterator

template<typename T>
using CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T >::ConstNonZeroIterator = typename NonZeroContainerType::const_iterator

◆ IndexContainerType

template<typename T>
using CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T >::IndexContainerType = std::vector<size_t>

◆ IndexIterator

template<typename T>
using CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T >::IndexIterator = IndexContainerType::iterator

◆ NonZeroContainerType

template<typename T>
using CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T >::NonZeroContainerType = std::vector<T>

◆ NonZeroIterator

template<typename T>
using CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T >::NonZeroIterator = typename NonZeroContainerType::iterator

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ MatrixCSR() [1/6]

template<typename T >
CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T >::MatrixCSR ( )

Constructs an empty matrix.

◆ MatrixCSR() [2/6]

template<typename T>
CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T >::MatrixCSR ( const std::initializer_list< std::initializer_list< T >> &  lst,
epsilon = std::numeric_limits<T>::epsilon() 

Compresses given initializer list lst into a sparse matrix.

This constructor will build a matrix with given initializer list lst such as

MatrixCSR<float> mat = {
{1.f, 0.f, 0.f, 3.f},
{0.f, 3.f, 5.f, 1.f},
{4.f, 0.f, 1.f, 5.f}

Note the initializer has 4x3 structure which will create 4x3 matrix. During the process, zero elements (less than epsilon) will not be stored.

lstInitializer list that should be copy to the new matrix.

◆ MatrixCSR() [3/6]

template<typename T>
template<size_t R, size_t C, typename E >
CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T >::MatrixCSR ( const MatrixExpression< T, R, C, E > &  other,
epsilon = std::numeric_limits< T >::epsilon() 

Compresses input (dense) matrix expression into a sparse matrix.

This function sets this sparse matrix with dense input matrix. During the process, zero elements (less than epsilon) will not be stored.

◆ ~MatrixCSR()

template<typename T>
CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T >::~MatrixCSR ( )

Default destructor.

◆ MatrixCSR() [4/6]

template<typename T>
CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T >::MatrixCSR ( const MatrixCSR< T > &  other)

Copy constructor.

◆ MatrixCSR() [5/6]

template<typename T>
CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T >::MatrixCSR ( MatrixCSR< T > &&  other)

Move constructor.

◆ MatrixCSR() [6/6]

template<typename T>
template<size_t R, size_t C, typename ME >
CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T >::MatrixCSR ( const MatrixExpression< T, R, C, ME > &  other,

Member Function Documentation

◆ AbsMax()

template<typename T >
T CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T >::AbsMax ( ) const

Returns absolute maximum among all elements.

◆ AbsMin()

template<typename T >
T CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T >::AbsMin ( ) const

Returns absolute minimum among all elements.

◆ Add() [1/2]

template<typename T>
MatrixCSR< T > CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T >::Add ( const T &  s) const

Returns this matrix + input scalar.

◆ Add() [2/2]

template<typename T>
MatrixCSR< T > CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T >::Add ( const MatrixCSR< T > &  m) const

Returns this matrix + input matrix (element-wise).

◆ AddElement() [1/2]

template<typename T>
void CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T >::AddElement ( size_t  i,
size_t  j,
const T &  value 

Adds non-zero element to (i, j).

◆ AddElement() [2/2]

template<typename T>
void CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T >::AddElement ( const Element element)

Adds non-zero element.

◆ AddRow()

template<typename T >
void CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T >::AddRow ( const NonZeroContainerType nonZeros,
const IndexContainerType columnIndices 

Adds a row to the sparse matrix.

nonZeros- Array of non-zero elements for the row.
columnIndices- Array of column indices for the row.

◆ Avg()

template<typename T >
T CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T >::Avg ( ) const

Returns average of all elements.

◆ BinaryOp()

template<typename T>
template<typename Op >
MatrixCSR<T> CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T >::BinaryOp ( const MatrixCSR< T > &  m,
Op  op 
) const

◆ CastTo()

template<typename T >
template<typename U >
MatrixCSR< U > CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T >::CastTo ( ) const

Type-casts to different value-typed matrix.

◆ Clear()

template<typename T >
void CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T >::Clear ( )

Clears the matrix and make it zero-dimensional.

◆ ColumnIndex()

template<typename T >
const size_t & CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T >::ColumnIndex ( size_t  i) const

Returns i-th column index.

◆ ColumnIndicesBegin() [1/2]

template<typename T >
MatrixCSR< T >::IndexIterator CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T >::ColumnIndicesBegin ( )

Returns the begin iterator of the column indices.

◆ ColumnIndicesBegin() [2/2]

template<typename T >
MatrixCSR< T >::ConstIndexIterator CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T >::ColumnIndicesBegin ( ) const

Returns the begin const iterator of the column indices.

◆ ColumnIndicesData()

template<typename T >
const size_t * CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T >::ColumnIndicesData ( ) const

Returns constant pointer of the column indices data.

◆ ColumnIndicesEnd() [1/2]

template<typename T >
MatrixCSR< T >::IndexIterator CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T >::ColumnIndicesEnd ( )

Returns the end iterator of the column indices.

◆ ColumnIndicesEnd() [2/2]

template<typename T >
MatrixCSR< T >::ConstIndexIterator CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T >::ColumnIndicesEnd ( ) const

Returns the end const iterator of the column indices.

◆ Compress() [1/2]

template<typename T>
void CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T >::Compress ( const std::initializer_list< std::initializer_list< T >> &  lst,
epsilon = std::numeric_limits<T>::epsilon() 

Compresses given initializer list lst into a sparse matrix.

This function will fill the matrix with given initializer list lst such as

MatrixCSR<float> mat;
{1.f, 0.f, 0.f, 3.f},
{0.f, 3.f, 5.f, 1.f},
{4.f, 0.f, 1.f, 5.f}

Note the initializer has 4x3 structure which will resize to 4x3 matrix. During the process, zero elements (less than epsilon) will not be stored.

lstInitializer list that should be copy to the new matrix.

◆ Compress() [2/2]

template<typename T>
template<size_t R, size_t C, typename E >
void CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T >::Compress ( const MatrixExpression< T, R, C, E > &  other,
epsilon = std::numeric_limits<T>::epsilon() 

Compresses input (dense) matrix expression into a sparse matrix.

This function sets this sparse matrix with dense input matrix. During the process, zero elements (less than epsilon) will not be stored.

◆ Div()

template<typename T>
MatrixCSR< T > CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T >::Div ( const T &  s) const

Returns this matrix / input scalar.

◆ GetCols()

template<typename T >
size_t CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T >::GetCols ( ) const

Returns number of columns of this matrix.

◆ GetRows()

template<typename T >
size_t CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T >::GetRows ( ) const

Returns number of rows of this matrix.

◆ IAdd() [1/2]

template<typename T>
void CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T >::IAdd ( const T &  s)

Adds input scalar to this matrix.

◆ IAdd() [2/2]

template<typename T>
void CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T >::IAdd ( const MatrixCSR< T > &  m)

Adds input matrix to this matrix (element-wise).

◆ IDiv()

template<typename T>
void CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T >::IDiv ( const T &  s)

Divides this matrix with input scalar.

◆ IMul() [1/2]

template<typename T>
void CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T >::IMul ( const T &  s)

Multiplies input scalar to this matrix.

◆ IMul() [2/2]

template<typename T>
template<size_t R, size_t C, typename ME >
void CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T >::IMul ( const MatrixExpression< T, R, C, ME > &  m)

Multiplies input matrix to this matrix.

◆ IsEqual()

template<typename T >
bool CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T >::IsEqual ( const MatrixCSR< T > &  other) const

◆ IsSimilar()

template<typename T >
bool CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T >::IsSimilar ( const MatrixCSR< T > &  other,
double  tol = std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon() 
) const

Returns true if this matrix is similar to the input matrix within the given tolerance.

◆ IsSquare()

template<typename T >
bool CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T >::IsSquare ( ) const

Returns true if this matrix is a square matrix.

◆ ISub() [1/2]

template<typename T>
void CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T >::ISub ( const T &  s)

Subtracts input scalar from this matrix.

◆ ISub() [2/2]

template<typename T>
void CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T >::ISub ( const MatrixCSR< T > &  m)

Subtracts input matrix from this matrix (element-wise).

◆ MakeIdentity()

template<typename T >
MatrixCSR< T > CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T >::MakeIdentity ( size_t  m)

Makes a m x m matrix with all diagonal elements to 1, and other elements to 0.

◆ Max()

template<typename T >
T CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T >::Max ( ) const

Returns maximum among all elements.

◆ Min()

template<typename T >
T CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T >::Min ( ) const

Returns minimum among all elements.

◆ Mul() [1/2]

template<typename T>
MatrixCSR< T > CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T >::Mul ( const T &  s) const

Returns this matrix * input scalar.

◆ Mul() [2/2]

template<typename T>
template<size_t R, size_t C, typename ME >
MatrixCSRMatrixMul< T, ME > CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T >::Mul ( const MatrixExpression< T, R, C, ME > &  m) const

Returns this matrix * input matrix.

◆ NonZero() [1/2]

template<typename T >
const T & CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T >::NonZero ( size_t  i) const

Returns i-th non-zero element.

◆ NonZero() [2/2]

template<typename T >
T & CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T >::NonZero ( size_t  i)

Returns i-th non-zero element.

◆ NonZeroBegin() [1/2]

template<typename T >
MatrixCSR< T >::NonZeroIterator CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T >::NonZeroBegin ( )

Returns the begin iterator of the non-zero elements.

◆ NonZeroBegin() [2/2]

template<typename T >
MatrixCSR< T >::ConstNonZeroIterator CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T >::NonZeroBegin ( ) const

Returns the begin const iterator of the non-zero elements.

◆ NonZeroData() [1/2]

template<typename T >
T * CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T >::NonZeroData ( )

Returns pointer of the non-zero elements data.

◆ NonZeroData() [2/2]

template<typename T >
const T * CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T >::NonZeroData ( ) const

Returns constant pointer of the non-zero elements data.

◆ NonZeroEnd() [1/2]

template<typename T >
MatrixCSR< T >::NonZeroIterator CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T >::NonZeroEnd ( )

Returns the end iterator of the non-zero elements.

◆ NonZeroEnd() [2/2]

template<typename T >
MatrixCSR< T >::ConstNonZeroIterator CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T >::NonZeroEnd ( ) const

Returns the end const iterator of the non-zero elements.

◆ NumberOfNonZeros()

template<typename T >
size_t CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T >::NumberOfNonZeros ( ) const

Returns the number of non-zero elements.

◆ operator!=()

template<typename T >
bool CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T >::operator!= ( const MatrixCSR< T > &  m) const

Returns true if is not equal to m.

◆ operator()()

template<typename T >
T CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T >::operator() ( size_t  i,
size_t  j 
) const

Returns (i,j) element.

◆ operator*=() [1/3]

template<typename T>
MatrixCSR< T > & CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T >::operator*= ( const T &  s)

Multiplication assignment with input scalar.

◆ operator*=() [2/3]

template<typename T>
template<size_t R, size_t C, typename ME >
MatrixCSR& CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T >::operator*= ( const MatrixExpression< T, R, C, ME > &  m)

Multiplication assignment with input matrix.

◆ operator*=() [3/3]

template<typename T>
template<size_t R, size_t C, typename ME >
MatrixCSR<T>& CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T >::operator*= ( const MatrixExpression< T, R, C, ME > &  m)

◆ operator+=() [1/2]

template<typename T>
MatrixCSR< T > & CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T >::operator+= ( const T &  s)

Addition assignment with input scalar.

◆ operator+=() [2/2]

template<typename T>
MatrixCSR< T > & CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T >::operator+= ( const MatrixCSR< T > &  m)

Addition assignment with input matrix (element-wise).

◆ operator-=() [1/2]

template<typename T>
MatrixCSR< T > & CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T >::operator-= ( const T &  s)

Subtraction assignment with input scalar.

◆ operator-=() [2/2]

template<typename T>
MatrixCSR< T > & CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T >::operator-= ( const MatrixCSR< T > &  m)

Subtraction assignment with input matrix (element-wise).

◆ operator/=()

template<typename T>
MatrixCSR< T > & CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T >::operator/= ( const T &  s)

Division assignment with input scalar.

◆ operator=() [1/4]

template<typename T >
MatrixCSR< T > & CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T >::operator= ( const MatrixCSR< T > &  other)

Copies to this matrix.

◆ operator=() [2/4]

template<typename T >
MatrixCSR< T > & CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T >::operator= ( MatrixCSR< T > &&  other)

Moves to this matrix.

◆ operator=() [3/4]

template<typename T>
template<size_t R, size_t C, typename ME >
MatrixCSR& CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T >::operator= ( const MatrixExpression< T, R, C, ME > &  m)

Compresses input (dense) matrix expression into a sparse matrix.

This function sets this sparse matrix with dense input matrix. During the process, zero elements (less than epsilon) will not be stored.

◆ operator=() [4/4]

template<typename T>
template<size_t R, size_t C, typename E >
MatrixCSR<T>& CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T >::operator= ( const MatrixExpression< T, R, C, E > &  m)

◆ operator==()

template<typename T >
bool CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T >::operator== ( const MatrixCSR< T > &  m) const

Returns true if is equal to m.

◆ RAdd() [1/2]

template<typename T>
MatrixCSR< T > CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T >::RAdd ( const T &  s) const

Returns input scalar + this matrix.

◆ RAdd() [2/2]

template<typename T>
MatrixCSR< T > CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T >::RAdd ( const MatrixCSR< T > &  m) const

Returns input matrix + this matrix (element-wise).

◆ RDiv()

template<typename T>
MatrixCSR< T > CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T >::RDiv ( const T &  s) const

Returns input matrix / this scalar.

◆ Reserve()

template<typename T >
void CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T >::Reserve ( size_t  rows,
size_t  cols,
size_t  numNonZeros 

Reserves memory space of this matrix.

◆ RMul()

template<typename T>
MatrixCSR< T > CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T >::RMul ( const T &  s) const

Returns input scalar * this matrix.

◆ RowPointer()

template<typename T >
const size_t & CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T >::RowPointer ( size_t  i) const

Returns i-th row pointer.

◆ RowPointersBegin() [1/2]

template<typename T >
MatrixCSR< T >::IndexIterator CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T >::RowPointersBegin ( )

Returns the begin iterator of the row pointers.

◆ RowPointersBegin() [2/2]

template<typename T >
MatrixCSR< T >::ConstIndexIterator CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T >::RowPointersBegin ( ) const

Returns the begin const iterator of the row pointers.

◆ RowPointersData()

template<typename T >
const size_t * CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T >::RowPointersData ( ) const

Returns constant pointer of the row pointers data.

◆ RowPointersEnd() [1/2]

template<typename T >
MatrixCSR< T >::IndexIterator CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T >::RowPointersEnd ( )

Returns the end iterator of the row pointers.

◆ RowPointersEnd() [2/2]

template<typename T >
MatrixCSR< T >::ConstIndexIterator CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T >::RowPointersEnd ( ) const

Returns the end const iterator of the row pointers.

◆ RSub() [1/2]

template<typename T>
MatrixCSR< T > CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T >::RSub ( const T &  s) const

Returns input scalar - this matrix.

◆ RSub() [2/2]

template<typename T>
MatrixCSR< T > CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T >::RSub ( const MatrixCSR< T > &  m) const

Returns input matrix - this matrix (element-wise).

◆ Set() [1/2]

template<typename T>
void CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T >::Set ( const T &  s)

Sets whole matrix with input scalar.

◆ Set() [2/2]

template<typename T>
void CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T >::Set ( const MatrixCSR< T > &  other)

Copy from given sparse matrix.

◆ SetElement() [1/2]

template<typename T>
void CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T >::SetElement ( size_t  i,
size_t  j,
const T &  value 

Sets non-zero element to (i, j).

◆ SetElement() [2/2]

template<typename T>
void CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T >::SetElement ( const Element element)

Sets non-zero element.

◆ Size()

template<typename T >
Vector2UZ CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T >::Size ( ) const

Returns the size of this matrix.

◆ Sub() [1/2]

template<typename T>
MatrixCSR< T > CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T >::Sub ( const T &  s) const

Returns this matrix - input scalar.

◆ Sub() [2/2]

template<typename T>
MatrixCSR< T > CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T >::Sub ( const MatrixCSR< T > &  m) const

Returns this matrix - input matrix (element-wise).

◆ Sum()

template<typename T >
T CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T >::Sum ( ) const

Returns sum of all elements.

◆ Trace()

template<typename T >
T CubbyFlow::MatrixCSR< T >::Trace ( ) const

Returns sum of all diagonal elements.

Should be a square matrix.

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